Saturday 1 March 2014

Miniartuk, Turkey

I promised to continue writing about Turkey .. this time I want to write about Miniartuk, in Istanbul.. if you're in a rush or don't have time to travel around Turkey, you may want to come to this place..

I took a taxi from Istanbul to this place, it cost me about TLR20 per way.. quite expensive but I don't really have much choice because I was alone and lazy to think on how to get there in a cheap way.. traveling alone sucks .. it used to be fun .. it's always nice to have company .. maybe I'm getting older.. hu hu hu..

Personal opinion : I like this place..

Miniartuk Area
One of the mini mosque - Selimiye Camii, Edirne

They don't have private guide, but they have talking machine.. nice!!
Nemrut Dagi miniature.. it looks superb.. I wish I had time to come here..
Some of the miniature at the location..

I took almost 2 hours enjoying the historical monuments in Turkey..


  1. Hi....lame x singgah sini...miniaturk best tp my exp here sngt klakar... x leh nk hengat. .. tngkp gambr dlm hujan di musim Winter..adoii. .!! I went to miniaturk by bus.. senang jer sbnrnya... 1 bus ja.. dlm 2 3 TL gitu... beli x biskut gulung yg sedap tu? Hehehe....

  2. laaa ye ka??? hahahahahaa masa tu I letih yang amat.. malas nak fikir dah tapi nak pi..
    so ku gagahkan juga abihkan mana2 baki lira yang ada.. :D

    hujan dalam winter??? mmg menggigil laaaaaaa..

    rindu plak biskut gulung tu..
