Showing posts with label Mongolia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mongolia. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Mongolian Horse Dance

I captured this video during our little concert trip organized by the organizer..

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Throat Singing by traditional singer in Ulaanbaatar

Throat singing....making the human voice soar, quiver and drone, its pitches in eerie unison like a bagpipe...


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


All I wanted to say about this place is  .. I Love it!! It's really an interesting place.. the people are warm, friendly and they love tourists.. another thing I love about Ulaanbaatar, is the mountains surrounding it..

On the first hour I reached Ulaanbaatar, i almost changed my ticket back to Thursday.. My meeting ends on Wednesday.. and my flight back to KL should be on Thursday, reached Malaysia at midnight .. probably not going to office on Friday due to jetlag and tiredness of traveling.. and this is my first time came to this beautiful and lovely place that I heard from people .. so I asked the travel agent to book my flight back on Friday instead.. and I have Thursday to visit this place..

but back to the early point, I almost changed it to Thursday due to my first impression about Ulaanbaatar.. did I mentioned that I didn't want to go back to Africa, unless for meeting.. that's the same impression I had when I came here..
Malaysia's Flag in front of Best Western Hotel, Ulaanbaatar
However, after the 1st day in the training room, and took time to walk around the area near my hotel after the meeting, it started to get into me.. the warmness of its people makes me feel like I want to explore this country more.. and with the cultural dance and songs and nature, makes me fall in love with this place...

Today is my 3rd day here and my meeting will ends tomorrow.. today, the organizer took us to a cultural dance, which I really appreciate it.. I really like their music .. it's fun, funky and some of them are comforting music like Kitaro's songs.. relaxing songs.. of course they also have their traditional songs that sounds like lightning that can break a glass though.. hehehehe ..

Another interesting thing about this country .. they are universal.. the plug point (power point) is universal- you don't have to bring universal adapter in their hotel (or at least the hotel I stayed) .. and they drive left and right.. some cars on the left, some cars on the right.. hahahahahaa interesting.. but their traffic was really bad in Ulaanbaatar.. the government need to do something about it..

Here are some photos I took earlier today:
Government Palace at the Sükhbaatar Square
Chinggis Khan aka Genghis Khan Monument in front of the Government Palace
If you read the history about Genghis Khan, you'll be impress on how he built the Mogul Empire .. Genghis Khan is known to the world as great military leader, but not to forget, cruel person.. but he was definitely someone with great personality and leadership during his time..