Showing posts with label perhentian island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perhentian island. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 June 2012

My Family.. My Pride..

It's June already, and looking back at my blog, huh, only a few write ups in a month!!! Oh my english.. hahahhaa so bad.. but thank you to those that leave your comments in here because it does means a lot.. and to my sister too, who always support me in blogging.. I do love to write, but it does took lots of time to really think what to write..
 Ok, if you read my previous post, you know that I love Perhentian Island a lot .. yup, this place is like a second hometown for me .. i could just pack my bag and live there for a month or two, being jobless (provided i have enough money to go for diving and place rental though).. ahhahaaa

So, my family decided to go to the place I always went to experience the joy that I always, always talk about everytime I went to Perhentian.. the decision was made in February, and I booked 6 rooms at Fauna Beach Resort during my trip in February, for end of May .. and finally the date arrived and all of us convoyed to the location by cars from Gerik, Perak.
Just arrived .. Greens Attack!!!

The journey start from my hometown to Alor Setar, Kedah for my cousin's wedding. Then, all 4 cars straight to Gerik, Perak and spent the night there. Early morning the next day (really early like 2am), we starts our car and straight to Kuala Besut, Terengganu (the Jetty). The journey is about 4 hours in the total darkness .. but it was not bad provided that we talked all the way during the journey, thanks to the walkie-talkie technology.. so in total participants joined this trip are - 12 adults, 6 kids and 3 babies (below 3 yrs old). It was such a fun experience.. i'm so glad my family loved the place as much as I do .. although Fauna Beach Resort is not really a place for me and my friends to hang out, but it's a great place for family!!! I still prefer Perhentian Kecil or Seahorse at Perhentian Besar for my diving activities, but Fauna gave us a really good deal for family vacation due to its private beach and friendly staff .. and furthermore, we cooked all the meals ourselves due to cost saving.. breakfast: bread and canned sardine, lunch: rice and canned sardine, dinner: maggi mee (instant noodle) .. hahahaa ... simple but enough to feed the whole family.. only once in a while we ate at the small shops by the beach for tea or late supper, while the kids busy playing with water, or busy sleeping..

Good Bye time.. sob sob sob
Sincerely, I would encourage family to do family trip at least once a year, to take you out from your busy schedule and get to know your family.. for our family, we lived in different state, like myself and 2 of my sisters live nearby, so I'm closed to their kids, but others who lived in different state, sometimes I felt guilty not to know them close enough.. they will grow up not being closed to me.. but in the end, nothing much I can do .. so I used this time to get to know them, and to let them know that I love them as much as the others.. although I only saw them once or twice a year..
the Kids really enjoying the boat ride to snorkeling area

Hello Mr Turtle..

Cooking Session

They always at the beach or in the water .. the only time they are not in the water was during sleeping time

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Dive 2: Terumbu Tiga (T3)

This is my second time diving at Terumbu Tiga.. I was there last year, October .. the visibility (vis) was not too good either due to monsoon.. but i was told that T3 was very beautiful in May- June.. I can agree with that because although the vis was not so good, we can still see the beauty of this diving site..

Terumbu Tiga also known as Tiger Rock consist of 3 big rocks that you can see above the sea level .. down below, it has more rocks with beautiful life creatures.. you can find lots of small creatures like nudie, shrimp as well as soft corals .. as they are small, you just need to look really careful .. and be extra careful not to ruin the corals .. look where you're going as well...

and of course, lots of nemo in Perhentian

Some actions by friend :)

Just a comment I would like to leave before I end this blog, if you're a diver, please please don't touch the fish or corals .. you might ruin or disturb its habitat .. just view, take photos and enjoy the moment.. :)

Oh ya, before I forgot, I had a chance to meet the owner's son of Flora Bay Resort, Mat Yie. The reason why I want to mention him here, other that his sweet face, is because of his talent in underwater photography.. he showed us his masterpiece and tears almost came out from my eyes (biasa la kan, dalam hati ada taman), admiring his work ..

You can look for yourself here:
 it was really an honor for me to meet in person with someone so talented .. love it!!!!!! 

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Short trip to Perhentian Island - Dive @ 3 Ruang

Since the first day I came to this island.. my heart fall in love with it and I keep coming back to this island .. now with my new hobby, which is diving, I came here even more .. just to relax and enjoy the scenery .. so again, just a few days ago, I went to the island to sharpen my skill in diving .. and this time, i have my camera with me.. opss not actually mine, but my bro-in-law .. hehehehe . 

today's blog, or travelblog will be about my diving and some photos for reference to those who want to go there. Below are all the diving spots in Perhentian.. I just dive in 7 of the places so far .. still lot more :D

This time we went to 3 Ruang, repeat Terumbu Tiga, Batu Layar and D'lagoon .. "we" means myself and Midd .. and we made few new friends, Sham, Cikgu Aisyah, Mohar, Wan, Abg Mie (from the band group - Medicine, owner of Fauna Reef Diver), Abg Di (owner of Fauna Beach Resort) and many many more..

1st Dive: 3 Ruang ( or in English - 3 spaces)
we dive in the evening, around 3pm ..Visibility was not so good.. probably due to the monsoon season not yet over.. Perhentian Island is at its best during May to August .. and starting September to October, it's almost monsoon season, so it really depends on your luck.. they closed the island from Nov to February .. and when it came to Feb to March, it will again depends on your luck .. not all resort and dive center open at this time, and keep your expectation low if you dive during this months .. but in May and June, you can have some hope to see great views under the ocean ..

back to Visibility (vis) in 3 ruang the day we went for the dive (24 Feb 2012) , it's probably only 5 meters view ..

New friends made .. :)

testing my skill in macro - still a longgggg way to go!!!
Nothing interesting to see at this place at this time because of the visibility .. so we just use the opportunity to sharpen our skills in bouyoncy.. will share more photos in next blog ..

Some photos I took in 3 Ruang ..